Proposed 2008 Officer

List of the Offices and Purposed Officers for 2008
President????????? ??????????? ??????????? Mark Fuller 02
President Elect? ???????????????? ????? Chuck Ramm 92
Immediate Past President????????? Jennifer Naser 00
VP Activities??? ??????????? ??????????? Megan Gersbach 00
VP Finance????????????????????????????? Nifty Gosney
VP Membership?????????????????????? Ronnie Skala 81
VP Records???????????????????????????? Heidi Cowan 97
VP Muster?????????????????????????????? Stephanie Fondy 83
VP High School Relations???????? Jon Gersbach 01
1 Year
??????????? Vic Gillett 53
??????????? Lisa DeWeese 82
??????????? Henry Jezek 65
2 Year
??????????? Don Burton 56
??????????? Jack Elrod 60
??????????? David Barfield 75
??????????? John Evans 00
3 Year
??????????? Francisco Pete Rodriguez 73
??????????? Carolyn Marks 81
??????????? Bradley Sheppard 01
??????????? Glen Black 51
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