Press Release: Parents of Bonfire Victim to Speak at Annual Aggie Muster

Posted on August 11th, 2008 August 11th, 2008 by John

Keerlees to Speak at Annual Aggie Muster: Parents of Bonfire Victim Now Lead Life of Ministry

For Immediate Release


April 11, 2008

?Keerlees to Speak at Annual Aggie Muster

Parents of Bonfire Victim Now Lead Life of Ministry


Tim and Janice Kerlee were living in Bartlett, TN when their only child, Timothy Doran Kerlee, Jr., began applying to colleges.? After taking their son on tours of 21 college campuses, he decided he wanted to be an Aggie.? Tim, Jr. turned down scholarships from many universities and chose to attend Texas A&M in the fall of 1999 and become a member of the Corps of Cadets.? Tim, Sr. and Janice became proud Aggie parents.


Tim Jr. couldn’t wait to work on Bonfire, and everything was going well until the tragic collapse of the bonfire structure on November 18th of that year.? Tim had been working on the stack that night and became tra pped by three large logs.? Although he was critically injured, he told rescue workers that he was okay and to help his buddies first.? For two hours, he directed rescue workers to those he could see until he allowed them to work on freeing him.


Tim lived for forty more hours before succumbing to his injuries.? During that time Janice and Tim, Sr. sat by his side in the hospital room.? As they attempted to comfort their son, they experienced the peace and presence of God within that room.? It was such a transforming experience that Tim, Sr. and Janice later felt that the Lord was calling them to move from their home in Bartlett, TN to College Station and work with A&M students in order to help them heal from the bonfire accident .? Janice resigned her job as a high school math teach er, and in June of 2000 they moved to their current home in College Station where they volunteer in Campus Ministry, striving to help Aggies in any way they can. On April 21 the Kerlees will be in Temple to share their story at the Sammons Community Center in Temple. Muster will take place from 6pm  9pm. Reservations are required and can be arranged by calling 254-778-1356.

???Media Contact: Stephanie Fondy 254-778-1356? or ?254-231-1811[ok to be published]??


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